Ilift church
Ilift church

ilift church

Teach our women to be virtuous-women with gentle and quiet spirits who put their hope in You. Encourage our older women to train the younger in family issues. Women’s Ministry – Lord, I lift up our Women’s Ministry.

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Let them speak with a spirit of faith that springs from their relationship with You. Reveal the mysteries of Your word to them and encourage them to speak those mysteries courageously and fearlessly. May everyone who holds that position-pastors, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, guest speakers-rightly divide Your word of truth. Speakers/Teachers – Lord, I lift up the speakers and teachers in our church. Let them glory only in You, Jesus, so that they put no confidence in their own flesh. May they be the true worshipers You are looking for who worship in spirit and in truth. Help them lead us faithfully in thanks for Your enduring love. Appoint people to this position who understand the splendor of Your holiness and praise You out of that understanding. Worship Leaders – Lord, I lift up our worship leaders. We stand against the enemy and his attempts to keep them blinded to Your truth. Help us to be the fragrance of Christ to them. Teach us to make the most of every opportunity to share Your salvation. Let the gospel be presented to them not only through the sermon but also with power, the Holy Spirit and deep conviction. Lost Among Us – Lord, I lift up the lost members of our congregation. May they put their hope in You and be renewed in the process. Help them receive the strength and power You’ve promised to the weary and weak. Help us to be humbly submissive as we benefit from their wisdom and understanding. We are blessed by their example and ability to train us. Thank You for every gray hair attained by righteous living. Seniors – Lord, I lift up the senior members of our congregation.

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I pray for wisdom to know how to treat every child and young person with honor and respect, knowing that they are today’s church and I am their godly example. I pray for new young families to start attending our church. May they flee evil desires and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace. Teach them to declare Your marvelous deeds. Let their conduct always be pure and right with reputations that show that they remember You, Creator God. May the little ones remain humble examples of what we adults need to become in the kingdom. Children/Youth – Lord, I lift up the children and youth in my congregation to You. We want to walk with You, Jesus, dressed in white, adorned with jewels. May we be clothed in righteousness with hearts that sing for joy and delight greatly in You. As we respond to that call, fulfill every purpose, every faith-filled act of service by Your power. May we live worthy of Your call on our lives. Adults – Lord, I lift up the adults in my congregation to You. May we continue to have willing servants to continue your work as we expand your kingdom. Fill them with Your Spirit and let them operate in wisdom as they carry out their responsibilities. Bless their households with peace and respect. May they keep short accounts with You so that their conscience is clear.

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May they walk worthy of respect with sincere hearts. Church workers and volunteers – Lord, I lift up the church workers to You. May they be gentle and honest as they deal with people. Keep them above reproach, devoted to their families, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable and able to teach. May they wholeheartedly give their attention to prayer and ministry of the Word. Help us respect and honor them as they direct the affairs of our church. Elders – Lord, I lift up my elders (church leadership & council) to You. Keep him open and honest before You and help him to represent the truth plainly. Teach him Your ways so that he knows You and finds favor with You as He leads us. Help him prove faithful with the things you have entrusted to him. Keep him from losing heart when ministry gets tough. Pastor – Lord, I lift up my pastor to You.

Ilift church